Senior Analyst


Andy joined Rationale in the middle of 2017 after completing a bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science at the University of Western Australia. He quickly became involved in a range of technical projects and is excited to be working in the field of infrastructure.

Using the strong analytic and problem-solving skills he developed in his tertiary studies, Andy has assisted in development contribution management and council asset management as well as providing economic evaluation for the Better Business Cases framework.


Born and raised in Western Australia, Andy came across the ditch to take a weeklong mountaineering course in early 2017. Andy never went home.

Trading surfboard and wetsuit for crampons and ice axes, Andy now spends his time climbing, skiing and exploring Aotearoa’s most dramatic landscapes. He has climbed numerous notable peaks around the South Island including Mt Aspiring, Mt Cook and Clarke Mound.

Andy enjoys a challenge, good food, and winning monopoly deal.

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