Meet Lucy Riddle

Lucy Riddle joined our Wellington office back in September 2023 and has proved to be a perfect fit for the Rationale team, quicky making a name as a safe pair of hands and cementing herself as an up-and-comer in the industry.

Lucy came to Rationale after a number of years in infrastructure advisory roles across WSP and EY. While she started out her career in the spreadsheets as an Infrastructure Economist, she quickly realised her passion for problem solving and has worked in strategy, investment, and decision making ever since.

Lucy loves the complex challenges that sit at the intersection of public policy and infrastructure, which despite being intrinsically linked in their purpose, are often in contradiction with one another.

In 2022 Lucy completed her master’s degree with her thesis focused on the critical role of infrastructure in delivering public policy outcomes.

She is also an accredited Better Business Case Practitioner and is training as an Investment Logic Map Facilitator.

Prior to Rationale the majority of Lucy's work was with Central Government clients where she worked across a variety of sectors, such as transport, three waters, justice and education.

Lucy was drawn to rationale by the variety of projects and programmes on the go, “for such a small organisation, Rationale has a very wide reach, across all sectors and into every region of New Zealand. The team here is awesome, I love the focus on ensuring a healthy work/life balance, amazing people and team culture.”

Since moving to Rationale, Lucy is enjoying applying her skills within the Local Government sector. She is currently working with a number of councils to prepare them for the infrastructure challenges ahead, particularly in the water sector where there is uncertainty and opportunity as our clients ready themselves for reform.

Lucy also is a fan of the thrill-seeking philosophy embedded at Rationale. She had her first experience of this during the 2023 Christmas party where the team went blue cod fishing out of Bluff on the South Island’s South Coast, and she's excited for many more work adventures. She has even managed to get herself on Rationale’s Top Secret Christmas Adventure Planning Committee (TSCAPC).

Lucy’s always up for a new adventure, whether it be travelling the world, or exploring New Zealand’s back country and is grateful to have found an organisation that encourages this.